30 years of Spitzmiller & Norris We want to thank all of our wonderful clients, designers, contractors and craftsman, who, throughout the years, have made our projects so enduring and continue to keep us inspired! Photo Courtesy of Scout Guide Atlanta - Photography by Erica George Dines (Robert Norris left, Frederick Spitzmiller right)
Spitzmiller and Norris
Frederick Spitzmiller and Robert Norris of Spitzmiller & Norris were nominated by Veranda/ADAC Southeast Architect of the year –one of only two finalists for this prestigious distinction.
Be sure to check out the Cathedral Antiques Show Tour of Homes 2014 - Our Home West Paces Ferry Road is Featured Architecture by Spitzmilller & Norris Interiors by Candler Lloyd Interiorshttp://whitehaveninteriors.blogspot.com/2014/01/seven-beautiful-houses-cathedral.html
Be sure to check out two of our homes featured on the Peachtree Garden Club Christmas Home Tour – December 12, 2013 10am-3pm 1 Cherokee Road A wonderful Neel Reid Home Renovated by Spitzmiller & Norris - Interiors by Ruth Schaefer and 3241 Rilman Lake Court a home designed Spitzmiller & Norris recently renovated by Spitzmiller & Norris- Interiors by Suzanne Kasler http://www.peachtreegardenclub.org/christmas-home-tour-2013.html