Mary-Christine's Favorite Collectibles

  • Since 2023

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    My shop includes collectibles that had decorated and added beauty to my house. I am selling them now because I will be spending less time at home. My children's book series about "Tyler the Rabbit" is gaining in popularity and in demand. I will be spending more time outside the house to read to groups of children and autograph books. I am also offering a few of my original artworks for sale on Chairish for the first time. To view a larger collection of my artworks, visit my art gallery at (Originals are not offered for sale on that site.) Purchasing my artwork at this time is a good investment. As soon as the children's series has captured worldwide attention, an original artwork of mine will receive higher bids to purchase. My children's illustrated series will soon become available in French too. I have already translated Book One into French and it has won the same awards as its English language version. "Tyler's Promised Gift" is now also available as "Cadeau Promis à Tyler". The book series is displayed at The message conveyed through my artwork, writing, and music is 'PEACE'. This is a gift of peace right now: