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    Shop Banner

    We are Nina and Martin. We have a love relationships with antiques. We like to research and regularly visit antique shops in search for hidden gems. After we do our research we also like to get the confirmation from our appraisal experts so most of the items you will find in our store are also professionally appraised. We are not into restorations and to keep items' originality we basically don't touch anything and we sell it as we found it.
    We do make mistakes and sometimes the items we buy are not as worth as we thought at first but this we also then explain to you in a description of an item. It is our sincere intent to provide an accurate description for all our items.
    Please don't hesitate and reach out to us about any questions you might have and we will do our best do answer them.
    Thank you again for visiting our store and hopefully we will also find something that will catch your eye.
    Return Policy

    We can except returns for items that can’t get damaged during shipment like brass or non-mechanical metal items. We can’t except returns for items like glass, porcelain and mechanical items or any items that can get damaged during the delivery. We can’t demand from our customers to have the same experience on how to pack and safely secure these kind of items as we do and this is the only reason why we don't except these kind of returns.

    Our store deals with 100 and more year old items so we really take care of the packaging process which is basically done on the case by case basis. We will also send you pictures of it before shipping the item. 99 % of times there are no problems and even that small amount of times that something does happen there are just some parts of the items that get offset because of jostling during transport. Most of the times this kind of situations can be easily to take care of but let us reassure you that small amount of times that the items get broken we will reimburse you through the Post.ch as all the items we send are extra insured up to 1500 CHF (1650 $).