Felix Massey

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    Felix Massey is a Los Angeles/New York-based artist who primarily works in photographic mediums. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, he studied Art History, Photography, and Cinematic Arts under Joel Sternfeld, focusing on narrative photography. His education also includes studies at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy. Massey’s works have been exhibited across the U.S. and featured in international publications.
    Massey’s art is versatile, shifting across genres—from provocative to satirical. His work often depicts the time in which he grew up in.
    His process is theatrical and carefully planned, beginning with a sketch, a story, or a feeling. He embraces the unpredictable, often finding inspiration in "happy mistakes."
    Raised in an artist's household, Massey was immersed in the arts from a young age. Influenced by French New Wave cinema, his projects often resemble films condensed into a single image, inviting viewers to engage with the narrative and use their imagination.