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Tara Shaw’s design principles stem from her firm belief that interior design should be a reflection of the soul, hint her new book called “Soul of the Home”. Simple beauty can create an atmosphere of creativity that can shape the direction of our lives. Surrounding yourself with pieces you love and which hold artistic and historical meaning can be uniquely powerful. Tara’s objective is to make your home read like a biography.

Known for her luxury European antiques and impressive interior stylings, Tara has experienced 20 years of success as an antique wholesaler. Her distinctive vision paired with her entrepreneurial spirit, challenged her to create her own line of antique reproduction and custom furniture, Maison, in 2007. Spending many years in Asia producing her line, she continues her line of modern bespoke design using local artisans. New Orleans has always offered Tara inspiration. Influenced by the city’s historic architecture and European like sensibility, it has set the backdrop for her now-famous portfolio.

Shaw’s signature style of anchoring a room with timeless Old World pieces mixed with her reproduction line, contemporary art, and luxurious finishes opened the door for her to take on multiple celebrity design projects. Shaw has been featured in HGTV and frequents the covers of international shelter magazines. Licensing with Restoration Hardware in 2013, Shaw maintains a prosperous career in product design and interior decorating. She continues to reside in Uptown New Orleans with her loving husband Robert Walsh and darling whippet child Brother Lucca.