Sebastian Mueller-Soppart

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I SEE BEAUTY. I see it in most everything. Mundane details hidden in plain sight. The thought that "if you’re not seeing something interesting, you are walking too fast” is a notion I hold dear and a poignant reminder of our fast-paced, digitally-hijacked existences. BUT, not everything is beautiful. Some stuff we decorate our walls with is just mass manufactured garbage and its only way of avoiding landfill is by giving it a second life though an artistic evolution of sorts. In the paintings that I recycle, I look for genuine craft that holds up while concealing the sections that pain my eyes.

Needless to say, my work has an underlying criticism towards our generation’s out-of-control consumerism, the shared concern of how effective recycling really is and occasionally investigates deforestation / loss of habitat.

But how much weight does an artist's interpretation of their own work really hold? It’s about what everyone wants to see in it and luckily, for the work that I do, everyone’s imagination is better than what maybe hiding under the surface.