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    A Third Generation Seamstress Brings Her Art To Chairish

    Sewing is an artform, and I’m a trained artisan seamstress; an expert in design, pattern creation, and dressmaking. My grandmother, also a seamstress, passed her skills down to my mother, who passed them on to me.
    To further enhance my skills, I took professional sewing courses of all types, expanding my abilities and falling in love with high-quality fabrics that were colorful, elegant, and sophisticated.

    After purchasing my first home and excited to decorate it, I was discouraged to find such a limited and lacking variety of pillow covers, curtains, and other linens available at home decorator shops, many of which were not very well made. I decided to pull out my sewing machine, invest in strong, colorful threads, surround myself with beautiful quality fabrics, and create all my of desired décor myself.
    Family and friends were amazed at the transformation of my home, astonished that something as simple as new accent pillow covers and colors could change the entire look and feel of a room.

    Linens work magic to redecorate without any need to invest in new furnishings and enabling you to stick to a decorating budget.

    The same friends and family who saw how I’d improved the look and feel of every room in my home simply using decorative linens also knew that I’m very precise when it comes to creating my designs. Being original designs, they also knew that they could not get home décor like mine anywhere else. Orders started coming in, followed by more as word spread of my quality creations.

    In my travels to a variety of countries, I’ve discovered additional fabrics of incredible design, texture, rich color, and quality material inspiring me to enhance my line.
    As my collection grew, so did my customer base and my business. I’ve now taken SABDECO Designs online so that people the world over can have access to these unique linen home décor items and enjoy the magic they’ll create in their own homes.

    Handmade in Spain, my range is wide, offering many design styles. Choose from bright vivid florals; soft, subdued pastels and watercolor tones; earthy rustics; geometric designs; ethnic patterns; and fine fabrics such as silk, natural fur, satin, velvet, suede, genuine leather, Damask, Jacquard… the list goes on.
    Sewing is my passion, and I’m always introducing new designs, each of them offered in my Chairish shop as they become available.

    Create a mood, a feel, a look, a statement, and a new home; simply and beautifully with SABDECO Designs.