Robyn Branch Design

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    A budding designer since childhood, Robyn has done it all when it comes to aesthetics for over 40 years. A product of her family’s furniture business in North Carolina, Robyn began attending the prestigious High Point International Furniture Market at age 5, unknowingly immersing herself in the art of design. After earning a degree in Dance and Theatre, Robyn pursued all of her creative interests – from choreography, to costume and set design, to fashion merchandising. Eventually Robyn happily returned to her roots and one of her many true callings – interior design. A multiple ASID award winner, and a nationally-recognized editorial contributor, Robyn puts her all into every project – combining her celebrated eye, unique style, and passion for creating homes with personality, flow, and identity.

    Robyn’s work spans state lines, with clients all over the country calling on the RBD team to create the spaces of their dreams. Robyn’s artful approach, endless resources, and most importantly her “A-Team” of assistant designers, craftsmen, and artists uniquely position her to deliver on your design. Robyn prides herself on approaching projects with guidance, care, and humor, and creates beautiful, one-of-a-kind, spaces that feel like home.