Steve T.

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    My intention is that my shop is about taste and quality. I prefer items of quality made by those whose focus is quality, beauty, and design. It seems I have a hard time putting it in words but I know it when I see it. I know it when I am standing at the edge of the vastness of God's ocean and and sky watching the waves roll in and the clouds go by. There is nothing on my site I would not want to have in my home or I already do and at a fair price I would be willing to pay. If you disagree, offer me your fair price. God Bless! Oh, yes, I forgot, her name is Misty. Part of the family. And please judge the hat I am wearing in terms of this picture was taken this past August at Hilton Head where wearing a hat on the beach is very necessary. Thank you. Proof pets are family because they vacation with the family! Life is great!