Pangibles Vintage

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    The impetus for my shop came to me when sorting boxes of treasures that had been left to me by various relatives. They were taking up too much space in my home and I wanted them to be with someone who would showcase, appreciate and enjoy them. In thinking about a name, I decided on Pangibles Vintage. It is whimsical, quirky and sounds like tangibles. But there is more to it than that. Actually, I appropriated the name from one of my cousins who left me with many beautiful heirlooms, some of which are listed in my shop. She owned a small gift shop in the early 1970’s on the upper East side of Manhattan called Pangibles Gifts. Prior to opening the shop, she worked for Proctor and Gamble (otherwise known as P and G). She must have loved the work because she named her little little Shih Tzu pup Pangible…and then named the shop after her pooch. In tribute to her, Pangibles is open for business once again.