made in france

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    Dealer since 1978 of antiques bought from France.

    Born in Paris, France and moved to Texas at 17. I always lived among antiques at the family’s Paris Apartment, and my sister Odile and I would regularly attend auctions as children. I opened my first shop in Houston in 1978 and operated in various locations for over 40 years, including a location in Galveston’s historic Strand area as part of George Mitchell’s effort to revitalize the city in the Early 90’s. I eventually closed my shop in 2012 in favor of periodic appearances in the popular Round Top area. I currently have a booth at the Spring and Autumn shows at the Red Barn in the CONTINENTAL tent by the Red Barn (accessible via Hwys 290 and 237) as well as the nearby COMPOUND (also on Hwy 237).

    I live most of my time at my farm 25 minutes from Round Top, traveling to France twice yearly to handpick Antiques and other items for my booths. Dealing with the local vendors in my native language gives me a big advantage. I also do business at my barn on the family farm in Bellville, though this is by appointment only.

    Aurevoir et à bientôt!!!