L Haas

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    Hello and welcome to my shop.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/honeyscolors/videos

    I moved to Reno, Nevada, in the fall of 2020, and love it here. Our house is on a beautiful golf course and we have lovely views of the surrounding mountains. We even get a good snowfall every now and then in the winter. It usually melts pretty fast though and we don't have to deal with shoveling a ton of snow. I like to stay active and get my exercise by biking, hiking and sometimes a little skiing in the winter. Lake Tahoe is a short drive from Reno.

    I'm a professional artist and I've been painting and selling my work consistently since the mid 90's and am excited to say that my work is in collections throughout the U.S. and Internationally. You'll see that my work has a wide range of subjects and styles. I love to paint whatever strikes my fancy and am constantly pushing myself to go further and to experiment with new techniques or styles. I use professional grade oil and acrylic paint, sticking mainly with Williamsburg and Old Holland handmade paints for my oil pigments.

    My most recent (and exciting to me!) collection is painting large pop art style portraits. When I began doing artwork in my early 30's, drawing portraits in pencil or charcoal is what I began with. I used to do abstracts and am currently getting back to doing abstract artwork and mixed media.

    My first exposure to plein air painting was in Carmel by the Sea in 2016 and as soon as I got home, I began painting plein air. I continue to do both, plein air and studio work.

    I grew up watching my mom paint in oils in the 60's as a hobby and she gave me all her old paint brushes and oils when she quit painting due to some health issues. My mother painted more in the style of Bob Ross and she really wanted to paint more impressionistic but she told me it was too difficult for her brain. I do wish we had had the chance to paint together, but it wasn't to be. My father's sister, Yvonne, was a professional artist along with several others in my family. It's in my blood!

    I was in several galleries in the bay area in California but since moving to Nevada have decided that I prefer to sell directly to art collectors and interior designers and keep it on a more personal level. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.