Marianne Stikas

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    I've become interested in nature as a metaphor for contemporary life and the similarities that exist between plants, animals and humans. It's a way of looking at nature that strips away its natural beauty and reveals the essence of images we find all around us on a daily basis. Flora and fauna take on aspects of the current world we live in and reflect the current human condition as I see and feel it. The finest pastels available are used to translate this world in as clear a format as is possible. The drawings reflect the inconsistency of peace vs. conflict, beauty vs. horror that live side by side with no obvious winners. Nature provides a boundless source of material from which I can explore the human condition.

    Please note, that while all drawings shown are handmade and one-of-a-kind, I can however, on special order, reproduce any that are sold and no longer available, in a virtually identical fashion, and in alternate sizes, priced accordingly, as requested. Likewise, I am open to specialty commissions, involving alternate subject matter.