Hastening Designs

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Hastening Designs is a direct importer of 17th, 18th, and 19th Century French provincial, Italian, and English furniture, and art objects. We also specialize in designing and fabricating contemporary furniture. Located in the 250 year old village of Middleburg, Virginia, an hour west of Washington DC, in a neighborhood of grand equestrian estates, hunt fields, and celebrated vineyards, we maintain spacious showrooms and interior design studios.

Owner and principal designer, Louis Shields, began collecting and selling French antiques to the English and U.S. markets from his shop in the Cotswalds in 1971. Ten years later, in 1981 he moved his showrooms to Middleburg. There are extensive restoration workshops at his nearby 18th century farm. This impacted his painting and drawing which continued during this time. His paintings hang in harmony in the Studio with his carefully chosen antiques. His current works are influenced by a lifetime’s experience in classical architecture, the structural form of traditional furniture, and the subtle colors of antiquity.