Provinces de France, LLC.

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Our Service Pledge
We pledge outstanding customer service and fast response to all orders and questions; always within 24 hours. All items are selected by the owners and we guarantee the authenticity of each of them! Satisfaction is our priority!
About Us
Since 1999, PROVINCES de FRANCE is a direct-importer of French antiques and offers a wide variety of antique furniture and accessories dating from the 17th to 19th century. Each unique piece is hand-selected, by the French-American owners, from different regions of France. PROVINCES de FRANCE also imports, several styles of antique fireplaces (from 16th to 19th century), floor & roof tiles (18th to 19th century), and outdoor elements. Increasingly difficult to find, these pieces represent an opportunity to own a bit of French history. Provinces de france is a member of: "Antiques & Collectibles National Association" and "Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America"