Penny Long Design Studio

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    I've been a high end Boutique high fashion chain owner, Electric LadyLand, Electric Couture and Electric Denim. A maximalist collector as long as I can remember. I believe old objects have history, a story, heart and a soul. To think an 18th century mirror can survive until the 21st century is just incredible! I was also very lucky at a very young age to be a part of fashion history when the very first USA House of Chanel Boutique opened on Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, CA. 2.14.87. Coco believed in the aesthetics of details, just like the vintage finds and accessories I love to use to fill my home and my clients homes! High fashion couture and home decor are the same! And now I am launching...
    Penny Long Couture Lamp Shades! All hand made with ornate lux fabrics, trims and hand made custom lamp frames. A dying art in the US...In all my travels to Europe I found all these gorgeous over the top ornate hand made lamp shades. Thought it was time to bring them to my world!
    Made in the USA~