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    Growing up with a single mom taught me the value of appreciating used clothing and furniture. My husband and I share this appreciation, and together, we're on a mission to salvage and repurpose furniture that might otherwise end up in a landfill.

    With the exception of our mattress, our beautifully eclectic home is furnished and decorated with hand-me-downs and reclaimed items. We believe there's a deep sense of satisfaction and enduring value in owning items that are not only aesthetically pleasing but can also withstand the test of time. Hand-selecting well-made pieces is one of our greatest joys, but witnessing them get a second chance at life is even more rewarding.

    In a world flooded with fast furniture (or what we like to call CRAP furniture), the environmental toll is catastrophic, with over 80% of it ending up in landfills. Most modern furniture is designed for quick disposal, mass-produced from subpar materials. This disposability mindset has infiltrated the homes of consumers, and it's time for a change.

    Don’t you want to live surrounded by the beauty of reclaimed furniture and the promise of a more sustainable future?

    We're here to say no to CRAP furniture.

    Oh, and the cutie in the picture? That's our precious little boy, Gizmo.