Antiques & Coppers

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Yesterday for Today with Love.

Hello everyone. My name is Helle. My MAIN shop located in Istanbul \ Turkey. What I am doing for 30+ years? I am trying to continues my father's art. He is 70 years old and still helping me about my Hammered and hand painted, full handmade unique copper products for your home decoration. And I can do colorful lambs, necklaces, pendants etc. with only by hand workmanship. I would like to present my experience and my dreams to the world. And I have a very unique vintage collection also.

The perfect addition to your home or office decor and can be used for gifting or decoration purposes for special occasion and functions.

You can ask for custom orders and wholesale prices. I can do different designs and colors. And i can write your names and notes to all my products. Just please check spelling. If your order not ready (stock is 0) I can do it in a few days. All my item's backgrounds are ready.

We are working with UPS express, DHL and FedEx for shipping. You can have your order in 4-5 days top.

All designs and paintings are mine. I have an assistant (Yunus). He is helping me about electrical jobs, photos and marketing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me now.

My Best