Sarfaraz H.

  • Saharanpur, UP
  • Since 2024


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    Sarfaraz Hasan, nicknamed as "Saf" is the owner of Asia Carvings, worked for British wood carvings import company Wild Goose Carvings, England for 22 years as Quality Control Manager and got all his training in a British quality conscious environment. After resigning from the UK company, he along with the childhood friend Mr. Marghoob Alam, established a high quality, professionally managed workshop for the production of woodcarvings decorations in centuries old traditional HANDCARVED HANDICRAFTS ways.

    We hired the best Master Carvers of the city and produced high quality wood carvings which achieved worldwide popularity and so the company expanded its staff from three individuals to three dozen workers. The company made unbelievable progress in just a couple of years from its beginning.

    We are proud to produce all woodcarvings with our hands with minimal use of machines only at initial stages of wood cuttings. We are also proud that our sale of woodcarvings is 100% for export.