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    Ashley Yarchin LLC provides professional curatorial and design expertise to both private and corporate collectors. Ashley’s passion and practice are based on an appreciation – both aesthetic and academic – for artful objects and their impact on the places in which we live and work. Thus, her designs showcase a dynamic mix of vintage, contemporary, and custom pieces. The centerpiece of each project, however, is the client. Ashley’s detailed, personalized approach leads to innovative spaces that are tailor-made to fit the client’s lifestyle and long-term goals as a collector.

    Ashley earned a master’s degree in modern and contemporary art and its markets from Christie’s Education in New York City. Simultaneously, she studied at the New York School of Interior Design. She also holds a master’s degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in Chicago as well as a bachelor’s degree in comparative arts from Washington University in St. Louis. Ashley’s prior professional experience comes from an accomplished career in television news – an industry in which she received two Emmy awards and more than a dozen national and international accolades for her work as a reporter and anchor.

    Ashley Yarchin LLC is based in Dallas, TX.