Abstract Fine Art

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    Nuha Moretz, a Yemeni-American artist based in Utah since 2018, traces the roots of her artistic journey back to her formative years in Tokyo, Japan. In high school, she spent endless hours in the art lab, nurturing her passion for creativity. Despite her early artistic aspirations, she initially pursued a different path, obtaining an M.A. in International Studies as a Fulbright Scholar, and worked in the fields of education reform and gender equity. Her professional endeavors led her across multiple continents, including North and East Africa, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Amidst her travels, she consistently sought opportunities to engage local artists, refine her skills, and acquire pieces that captured cherished memories, fostering connections with local artists and cultures. Though diverse in nature, these experiences profoundly influenced her evolution as an artist.

    Nuha's artistic focus encompasses contemporary landscapes and abstract collage, each piece serving as a conduit for her boundless inspiration drawn from her surroundings, travels, and the natural world. The artworks tell stories, challenge themes, and encourage viewers to explore collective memories and narratives. Through her art, Nuha seeks to evoke a deep appreciation for the intricate harmony between humanity and the natural world, celebrating the profound beauty found in our surroundings. Each creation invites viewers to engage with the interplay of colors, textures, and narratives, fostering a deeper connection to the stories embedded within the artwork and the world around us.

    While her artistic journey has been marked by pauses to prioritize career and family, the unforeseen challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic reignited her passion for painting. Embracing the newfound rhythm of daily artistic expression, she discovered a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment amidst uncertain times. With each exhibition and art fair, Nuha's portfolio grows, each piece a testament to her unwavering passion. Her art invites viewers to pause, reflect, and connect with the emotions and memories embedded within each canvas, transcending the boundaries of language and culture. For Nuha, the journey is as important as the destination, a reminder to never stop pursuing one's passion, despite the inevitable challenges and setbacks. In her words, "success" is not a linear path, but a continuous evolution fueled by dedication and resilience.