Amy Morris

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    An Atlanta native, Amy Morris founded her design firm with her trademark philosophy: “simplifying adds a level of elegance”. Specializing in transitional design, she’s known for sophisticated, traditional interiors with a fresh twist.

    Drawing inspiration from the architecture, light and scale of each interior, Amy believes that a “project is only successful if the space represents the client.” She also strives to make a statement in every room, designing interiors that are both memorable and livable. The result? Beautiful, welcoming spaces that exude comfort and reflect the character of the people who live and work in them.

    After graduating from the Art Institute of Atlanta with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design, Amy interned with the renowned Gandy-Peace firm. She then went to work for Barbara Westbrook of Westbrook Interiors. With this exceptional training, Amy opened up her own design firm in 2005. Since then, her business has grown exponentially. Together with her talented team, Amy has transformed interior spaces for customers across the country.

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