Oil Paintings

Vintage and Contemporary Oil Paintings

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Oil Paintings

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Chairish is your source for unique antique and vintage oil paintings on canvas or on wood. Original oil paintings for sale from Chairish have been purchased for homes, luxury retail stores, resorts, private clubs and handsomely appointed professional offices.

Rare Oil Paintings

Our vintage and antique oil paintings are purchased from trusted sources, curated and then edited by our in-house experts to offer unique art in oils in an array of oil painting styles. Interior designers and homeowners can narrow their search by choosing preferred price ranges or color themes. We continually search for and find new additions to our antique oil painting collection. These were celebrated and cherished oil paintings now available to new generations of art lovers and collectors. See our collections of antique picture frames for your oil paintings.

Favorite Oil Painting Styles

Our oil painting selections range from an early 19th century pair of ancient Chinese royalty portrait paintings to a contemporary still life in oil protected in a beautiful frame. Find oil paintings from Africa, Europe and the Americas. Our available vintage oil painting styles range from traditional to Art Deco. Find oil paintings reflecting abstract, expressionist, impressionist, Alfresco and pop art styles.