This depicts Middle Eastern jewish men of Sefardic descent. At least one appears to be a Rabbi.
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This depicts Middle Eastern jewish men of Sefardic descent. At least one appears to be a Rabbi.
ALBERT GOLDMAN Born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1922, Albert Goldman started drawing and painting at the age of 8. He began his art education 1936 Art with Italian and Greek artists at the "Atelier", in Alexandria, Egypt; continuing 1956 with Avraham Yaskiel and Zvi Mairovich, Haifa and with Moshe Propes, in Tel Aviv. In 1940 he obtained a diploma of commerce and opted for a career in the hospitality industry, following in the footsteps of his parents who operated the Majestic Palace Hotel in Alexandria. He moved to Cairo in 1942 to study Swiss Hotel Management at Egyptian Hotels Limited, the largest hotel company in the Middle East at the time. In 1946 he decorated an evening gown for an American singer, Catherine Essex, who sang before King Farouk. By 1947 he was the manager of the Luxor Hotel. In 1948, during an air raid over Alexandria, he was attacked by an Arab mob accusing him of signaling Israeli planes. He miraculously survived 12 stab wounds to the back. In March 1950 he married Lucette Blumenthal. He was put on the blacklist by the Ministry of Interior in Egypt, and in 1951 he managed to leave Egypt and came to Israel in September 1951 aboard the ship Artza. In 1956 he attended a drawing and painting course with Meirovich and Avraham Yaskiel in Haifa. He organized the Jerusalem Art Cellar in 1958 and settled in Jerusalem. He paints mostly Israeli landscapes, particularly of Jerusalem. This is done in a style reminiscent of Tully Filmus and Itzhak Holtz. Albert Goldman was born in 1922 in Egypt
Awards And Prizes
1983 Bnai Brith Prize, Dan region
1990 Certificate of Registration in the Golden Book of Keren Kayemet LeIsrael
Exhibition of Paintings The Municipal Museum - Bet-Emanuel, Ramat Gan
Artists: Pinchas Abramovich, Lea Avisedek, Albert Goldman, Shaul Ohaly,Robert Baser, Claire Szilard, Itamar Siani, Oded Feingersh, Ludwig Schwerin,
Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews, Sephardim are a Jewish ethnic division originating from traditionally established communities in the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and Portugal). The term "Sephardim" also sometimes refers to Mizrahi Jews (Eastern Jewish communities) of Western Asia and North Africa. Largely expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century, they carried a distinctive Jewish diasporic identity with them to North Africa, including modern day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt; South-Eastern and Southern Europe, including France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia; Western Asia, including Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; as well as the Americas (although in smaller numbers compared to the Ashkenazi Jewish diaspora); and all other places of their exiled settlement. They sometimes settled near existing Jewish communities, such as the one from former Kurdistan, or were the first in new frontiers, with their furthest reach via the Silk Road.
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