As evidenced by the inspiring pages of the magazine she helms, Jessica Romm Perez knows a fabulous interior when she sees it. Well into her fourth year as the Editor in Chief of Domino, countless design projects have passed through her hands, but it takes more than a pretty face (or in this case, furniture) to make the leap onto her list of favorite spaces. Here, Jessica shares the nine timeless interiors she returns to again and again and curates a collection inspired by these indelible designs that, for her, have real staying power.
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Getting To Know Jessica…
What do you love about shopping on Chairish?
“Each visit feels like a journey and a discovery. Every time I’m on Chairish I discover a designer, an era, or a style I wasn’t aware of or I hadn’t thought of in a long time. I love that I’m able to sort by color depending on what color combo I’m feeling at that moment. For example, right now I’m really into ice blue, burgundy, lavender, mint green, and electric yellow. I like that I can feel all the feels when I’m shopping on Chairish.”
What you think vintage decor adds to an interior?
“Vintage puts curation in the hands of the homeowner. I don’t like when everything in a space feels too new or perfect. Vintage not only inspires personalization but also adds stories and depth to a space—don’t you want people to come into your space and ask about the story behind each piece?”
What would be your advice for designing spaces that will stand the test of time?
“Invest in comfort. More than anything I want my space to feel comfortable and welcoming to friends and family. The colors we want to surround ourselves with, and the patterns we’re feeling may fluctuate, just like fashion, but shapes and timeless comfort is forever. I have always loved low furniture because it inspires casual, laid back energy in a space and it also happens to work really well with young kids. I love that my kids can perch at the coffee table and color as easily as four adults can lounge and have cocktails.”
What’s a favorite timeless piece in your own home?
“My cocktail table is a Milo Baughman burled wood piece from the 70s and it is the most livable piece that will never go out of style. It feels inspiring to serve cocktails and a casual dinner around, sitting in front of the fire. It’s also the best surface for books of the moment, collected objects, and candles.”
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Eclectic Modernism
“Dimore Studio from Milan have established a new modern classic design vernacular. In my mind, they can do no wrong. From the color combos they use, to the mixed materials, they are international design stars. Their work is layered, jammed with ideas and utterly Italian.”

Laid-Back Luxe
“This is one of the most timeless, classical bathrooms I’ve seen. No surprise it belongs to Jenna Lyons, whose homes have an incredible following and ideas for days.”

Edgy Organic
“Chan and Eayrs, to me, are the ultimate in timeless modern. Their approach feels tied to nature, as are their materials and colors, and the result is both soothing and inspiring.”
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Bravura Mix
“Frances Merrill of Reath Design can do no wrong. The way that she mixes vintage with color and pattern results in spaces that feel lived in, cool, and unexpected.”

Country Sophisticate
“Steven Gambrel is the gold standard in not only kitchens, but timeless, country cool.”
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Vintage Happy
“I love Supply Showroom in Austin, and the home Kim West, of one of Supply’s founders, represents their strong approach to mixing color and pattern that is fierce and timeless.”
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Haute Bohemian
“Pam Shamsiri knows how to create a space that feels warm and cozy. It’s hard to tell if items are new or vintage—and that is the highest compliment.”

Contemporary Cool
“One of my favorite French designers, this space that Dorothée Meilichzon designed for the Il Palazzo Experimental in Venice is a spot where I would happily sip a classy apertivo forever.”
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Lead Photo by Anson Smart, Design by Pamela Shamshiri