Abstract expressionist Linda Colletta, based in Bridgeport, Connecticut, has been creating art in various mediums for over 20 years. Working with acrylics and oil pastels, she plays with composition and abstraction, investigation and intention. Her colorful and uplifting pieces explore moments in time and the spaces in-between. Throughout Linda’s work, drips, washes, and gestures evoke a feeling of freedom and unapologetic happiness.
We paid this artist a visit to ask a few get-to-know-you questions, and she let us in on her personal art crushes and the inspiration behind her work!
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I create art because:
“It’s my belief that this world could never have enough beauty added to it, in fact now, I can’t think of anything more important than spending my days doing my part to add a bit more beauty, happiness, color, and flow to this world and to someone’s life.”
I am currently inspired by:
“Art Bloggers, More is More, Less is More, Raw Expression, Raw Power and Grafitti Removals.”
I have an art crush on:
“Heather Day for how elegantly she speaks about her art – it’s a skill I am working on, being able to articulate your vision is as important as being able to manifest your visions physically. Also, Austin Kleon for teaching me to steal and how to show my art authentically and generously.”
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I would describe my process as:
“An exploration between chance and intention. I am most interested in exploring the relationship between allowing the paint to just randomly do what it wants and the juxtaposition of intentional gesture and mark making.”
In my studio, I can’t live without:
“Mason jars, my water pump sprayer, coffee, natural light and Lukas Cryl Paints.”
The best advice I’ve ever received as an artist:
“Michelle Armas gave me the best advice early on in my painting career when I asked her for advice about finding “my style” as an artist. “You just haven’t gotten to a place where you have stopped judging yourself and just accept what you create.” I took me a while to digest that concept but once I did, I finally let myself just paint, freely without editing myself and trusted everything that came out. And when I feel stuck or find myself trying to hard to force the outcome of a piece, I remember this and let go again.”

Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your artistic inspiration, Linda!
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