Chairish Blog

Johanna Ortiz Plays Favorites

Johanna Ortiz

Known for her prints, textures, and “joie de vivre,” Colombian designer Johanna Ortiz has a global fanbase. “The essence of joy in dressing is about celebrating life, embracing color, and expressing individuality,” she explains. See how she translates the fun of dressing into an eclectic collection of joyful home décor, and shop her Chairish favorites.


You’re known for your prints and textures, “joie de vivre,” and unique Colombian sensibility. What are some of the ways you translate the joy of dressing into joyful home decor?

For me, the essence of joy in dressing is about celebrating life, embracing color, and expressing individuality. I carry this ethos into my home decor by infusing spaces with vibrant prints, luxurious textures, meaningful pieces, and a sense of playfulness. Whether it’s through bold patterns on upholstery, lush textiles, or eclectic accessories, I aim to create environments that evoke a sense of joie de vivre and warmth.

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle

Tell us about your approach to vintage and antique finds. How does that come into play when it comes to layering patterns, colors, and styles? How do you like to incorporate vintage/antiques?

Vintage and antique pieces add character and depth to interiors, and I love incorporating them into my designs. I always visit antique shops and markets during my travels to find these treasures, as they bring a sense of history and soul to a space, enriching it with layers of stories and craftsmanship. When layering patterns, colors, and styles, I always start with vintage and antique finds as the foundation, anchoring authenticity to each space.

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle

How has Colombian artisanship guided your design? Not only in fashion, but especially in the lines you’ve created for the home.

Latin culture and craftsmanship are at the heart of my design ethos. The rich heritage of craftsmanship in Colombia inspires me not only in fashion but also in the home line. From intricate weaving techniques to vibrant embroidery, I draw upon these traditions to infuse my collections with a sense of authenticity and cultural pride.

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle

You have a fantastic line of tabletop. Your pieces are bright, fun with handcrafted details. Tell us how this came about and what inspired you?

My tabletop collection celebrates joyful gatherings and cherished moments with family and friends. Inspired by the lively Latin spirit and the artistry of local artisans, each piece is designed to add color and whimsy to the dining experience. Handcrafted details and playful motifs evoke a sense of spontaneity and joie de vivre, making every meal feel like a special occasion.

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle

Do you think there’s a certain way of life in Colombia that informs your work, or are there aspects of living there that have contributed to your design sensibility?

Colombia’s vibrant culture and natural beauty deeply influence my design sensibility. The warmth of its people, the strength of its women, the rhythm of its music, and the richness of its biodiversity all find expression in my work. There’s a certain sense of ease and spontaneity in Latin life that I aim to capture in my designs, where barefoot dancing at midnight is celebrated, and living glamorously is always effortless.

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle


What do you find most compelling about Chairish? 

Chairish offers a curated selection of vintage treasures that resonate with my design aesthetic. What I find most compelling is the opportunity to discover unique pieces with character and history, adding depth and personality to any interior. 

Design: Johanna Ortiz | Photography: Ricardo Labougle

How does sustainability factor into your design choices and love of vintage? 

Sustainability is integral to my design philosophy, and I believe that incorporating vintage and antique pieces is a key aspect of this approach. By giving new life to pre-loved items, we can reduce waste and environmental impact while also preserving craftsmanship and heritage.


Favorite way to create a statement-making moment in a room: Layering unexpected textures and patterns to create a visually dynamic and inviting space.

Favorite paint color: I’m drawn to rich, earthy tones like terracotta, ecru and green, reminiscent of the Colombian landscape.

Favorite piece of decor in your home: I love the lush green surroundings, the handcrafted pieces in natural fibers by local artisans, and the silver pieces passed down through generations.

Favorite style icon: Lee Radziwill, for her timeless elegance and effortless sophistication, embodying the epitome of refined style.

Design destination every creative should visit at least once: Every creative person should experience the vibrant energy and cultural diversity of Cartagena at least once in their lifetime. No wonder why is the muse to some many artists.


Favorite vacation destination: Cartagena and Baru beaches. 

Favorite hotel that’s inspired your work while traveling: The enchanting Hotel Caruso in Ravello 

Favorite hostess (or thank you) gift: A beautifully crafted artisanal piece, imbued with the stamp of handwork and heritage, evoking a sense of cultural richness and authenticity.

Favorite flower: I love greens and wild orchids but right now I am loving the amapola flower in all their colors and sizes.

Favorite entertaining essential: I have two favorites. Firstly, exquisite tableware crafted with attention to detail adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any gathering. Secondly, a round table serves as the perfect centerpiece for intimate conversations and shared experiences, fostering a sense of connection and warmth among guests. Always accompanied by good music and lighting.

Lead Image: Design by Johanna Ortiz, Photography by Ricardo Labougle.

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