How do you hang a mirror on the door?
There are a multitude of ways to hang a mirror on a door, including an over-the-door hook, mounting screws on the back, or mirror clips. If you have a hollow door, your options may be limited since hollow doors don’t generally have enough heft to support mounting mechanisms like nails. In these cases, an over-the-door hanging hook may be your best option. For a solid door, you can use mounting screws. Should your door have raised panels, only attempt to mount screws on this portion since this is the only part of the door that is likely to be solid. If you’re looking for a quick-fix solution, you can also use plastic mirror clips. Although not as polished looking (since mirror clips are applied to a mirror’s front), mirror clips are an excellent option for mirrors applied to the inside of a closet door or bathroom door. Most floor mirrors can be adhered with six clips (two at the top, two at the base, and two on either side).
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Lead image by Andrew Miller